Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

If Only They Put The Same Time And Effort Into Creating Things To Make Life Better...

Instead of creating things to make life hotter and more explosionful...

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Edward Hopper - Nighthawks

It's a pity youtube have taken down the 'That 70's show' Nighthawks...

Dali - A Warning For Soldiers

A poster Salvador Dali created to help keep American soldiers from catching things while on the job...

Circuit Board City

The Circle Of Life

Tin Tin

Friday, 26 October 2007

Bill Plympton

Agent Smith/Carl Sagan Observation

I knew I heard a familiar voice in them two...

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Kinetic Sculpture Dude

Here is the TED talks with the dude (Theo Jansen) who built those amazing kinetic beach sculptures you've all been hearing about.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Beastie Boys

The Beastie Boys discuss their latest album: The Mix Up, which is nothing but instrumentals. Good Stuff!

Wake Up Cat

I knew this would be popular... now its at number one on the Viral Video Chart.

Saturday, 20 October 2007

The Conscious Media Network

From the website:

"This is a journey you can take at your own pace in the safety of your own home. It may not always be comfortable and some of you may find the material challenging or somewhat disturbing, but it will always be enlightening. There are so many fascinating people here that we feel sure you will find something that makes you wonder. Whatever your interest, we hope there will be material here that you'll find inspiring and engaging; and some that will cause you to 'question everything'."

TV-Links Servers Shut Down, Owner Arrested

It's pretty much in the title... damn.

The guy lived in Cheltenham, England, was a good site while it lasted, I'm sure it'll be back under a different url or whatever, but the forum's still up there.
UPDATE: Sin was released without charge on sat 20'th oct, but the site is still down and the forum link doesn't work anymore.. Bummer.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Andy Punches

Stick with it...

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Lodger: Doorsteps

I Love To Singa

I Love To Singa depicts the story of a young owlet who wants to sing jazz instead of indulging in his parents more traditional tastes.

Bulldog Cafe Amsterdam

An advert from a fine establishment.

Ultimate Stop Motion Drunk Ownage - Watch more free videos

Rubik The Amazing Cube Cartoon: Opening Intro

I think Rubiks Cubes sales must have been down...

zZz: Grip

Don't care for the song too much but nice vid, it's a one take, top shot music video with trampoline gymnasts simulating typical video effects. The video has been recorded live, as part of the opening 'Nederclips' at the Stedelijk museum 's-Hertogenbosch SM'S (curated by Bart Rutten).

Doodle by Squidsoup

Nice multi dimensional doodle time-waster thing.

Grow Yer Own

Grow your own Mario 1-up mushroom kit... apparently

Futurama Film Trailer

This is the trailer for the first of 4 Futurama films coming soon, they will go straight to dvd as well as being shown in 22 minute installments on american telly.

Sita Sings The Blues

"Sita Sings the Blues" is an animated feature (72 minutes) based on Sita's adventures in the ancient Indian epic the Ramayana.

By Nina Paley

Part one:

Part two:

Part three:

Part four:

Toy Trainspotting

Another classic from the Adam and Joe show which aired in the UK sometime before 2000.

American Beautoy

This is a classic... just wait for the bag raving in the wind.

Monday, 8 October 2007

Russian Army Dancers

Cooking By Numbers

Ever been starving and have no idea what to eat? Or maybe there's nothing in the cupboards and you think there's nothing to eat...
Either way, this website will help you in your quest for nourishment, simply check the boxes of the foodstuffs you do have and it will show you numerous recipes for your measly tucker.

Enilgsh Reidang Csals

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the human mnid aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Ahh the Memories...

Here is a nice little speak and spell emulator to take you back to the good old days of wishing ET would come over and take responsibility for taking it apart.

Arsole and Vaginatin

Those scientists are just hilarious... The stuff they come up with sometimes!

Here is a list of lots of molecules and substances with names like Arsole (It is the arsenic equivalent of pyrrole, and although it is rarely found in its pure form, it is occasionally seen as a sidegroup in the form of organic arsolyls.) and Vaginatin (Actually it gets its name from the plant Selinum Vaginatum. The related molecule is Vaginol, which also goes by the name Archangelicin.)

Little Big Love

Award-winning short about a tiny robot that falls in love with an electric kettle.

No Smoking

I never thought that Goofy of all people would make me crave a cigarette like crazy.

Adam Frank

This is such a damn good idea... I just wish I had thought of it first.

Wall of Death

Why oh why... You would never catch me doing this as long as I had the choice.

Decision Maker

For those times when flipping a coin just doesn't cut it:
The Universal Decision Maker

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Places I Really Wanna Go Someday

I am in no way religious at all, but I like to consider myself quite a spiritual person, that being said, here are some awe inspiring monasteries of the hard-to-access kind.

Courtesy of Dark Roasted Blend
(some great picture sets on their site)

All The TV You Ever Need

Gotta give it to these guys, the website has grown and grown since it first started, as it stands it is an excellent source for streaming tv programs across all genres.
You will find up to date episodes of your favourite tv shows but as there are things old and new on the site, you can also rekindle some lost memories of childhood favs.

Evil Nine

A classic song this is, somehow it never gets old.

Good Noises

While I'm thinking about online radio, FilterMusic has a wonderfully eclectic range of streaming internet radio stations, all laid out in an extremely user friendly interface, also the background changes to a different nice high quality picture every time you visit or refresh.


We all need some help calming down now and then.

This is an excellent 24/7 streaming radio station with nothing but laid back music:
Help Me Chill

An Eye For Annai

I fuckin love it.

Making Paper

Go on...

Make some paper.

You know you want to.

Feeling Tired?

Those who know me know that I am far away from having anything remotely related to a regular sleeping pattern...

That aside, here's a few tips to getting up in the morning at a reasonable hour:
24 Tips To Becoming An Early Riser

Carl Sagan

Carl Edward Sagan (November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) was an American astronomer and astrochemist and a highly successful popularizer of astronomy, astrophysics, and other natural sciences. He pioneered exobiology and promoted the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). He is world-famous for writing popular science books and for co-writing and presenting the award-winning 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which has been seen by more than 600 million people in over 60 countries, making it the most widely watched PBS program in history. A book to accompany the program was also published. He also wrote the novel Contact, the basis for the 1997 Robert Zemeckis film of the same name starring Jodie Foster. During his lifetime, Sagan published more than 600 scientific papers and popular articles and was author, co-author, or editor of more than 20 books. In his works, he frequently advocated skeptical inquiry, humanism, and the scientific method.
Sagan's capability to convey his ideas allowed many people to better understand the cosmos. It covered a wide range of scientific subjects including the origin of life and a perspective of our place in the universe.

From Cosmos and his frequent appearances on The Tonight Show, Sagan became associated with the catch phrase "billions and billions." Sagan never actually used the phrase in Cosmos series, however his frequent use of term billions, and distinctive delivery with emphasis on the “b”, made him a favorite meme of performers and comedy routines of Johnny Carson, Mike Myers, Harry Shearer and others. Sagan took this in good humor, and his final book was entitled Billions and Billions and opened with a tongue-in-cheek discussion of this catch phrase. The indefinite and fictitious number Sagan has arisen in popular culture to indicate a count greater than 4 billion.

He was a truly inspirational speaker and the world is a lesser place without him.
Be sure to check out Cosmos Episode 1 for your Cosmos fix!

Freeware Genius

Simply a great website with all sorts of freeware for all sorts of things.

Admit It



There's no way i could start up a blog like this and not mention the cream of the crop when it comes to superb randomness...
I would like to thank all the people and contributers of the websites that influenced me to go it alone and get something (mildly) productive done on teh internets... namely:

Thanks to Miss Cellania for turning me on to those other great blogs, they have been a continuous inspiration to us all!
Also, thanks to every member of the neatorama, mentalfloss and yesbutno team, yall do nothing but show us interesting shit from around the world, much appreciated!
(Right, formalities and ass kissing out of the way, on with the blog!)

First Post!

Well, here goes, here is my first ever post on me own blog.
I figured I've seen so much interesting stuff over the past 10 years or so on the net, i might as well steal it from everyone and claim glory for myself! (Don't worry, i wouldn't really do that, all credit will go to wherever it's needed.)
That is my basic aim here, to post the most eclectic array of randomness i can find... more likely I'll just plonk any old thing i think is good on here.

So far this is it, so be patient.. more to come in the future!